HALO® Laser

Get that HALO® Glow in Lakeway, TX

When choosing a laser resurfacing treatment, it can be hard to decide between ablative or nonablative options. Well, HALO® solves that dilemma by offering both!

HALO® is a breakthrough laser developed by Sciton that combines the dramatic resurfacing power of ablative technology with the collagen-boosting benefits of nonablative lasers. Using multiple levels of treatment at once yields dramatic results but with minimum downtime.

With HALO®, we can treat a wide array of skin concerns in a single session and customize your treatment to fit your unique expectations and lifestyle. So, if you have multiple skin concerns you would like to address with a single treatment and want minimal impact on your social life, HALO® may be what you are looking for.

What Is HALO®?

HALO® is the world’s first and only hybrid fractional laser developed by Sciton, a leader in energy-based medical aesthetic devices.

This breakthrough device delivers both ablative and nonablative wavelengths of energy to the same treatment zone. This feature produces a synergistic effect for dramatic improvement of multiple signs of skin aging, like fine lines, wrinkles, enlarged pores, discoloration and scars.

The device comes with skin mapping and measuring software for greater precision. We can also further fine-tune the treatment to deliver just enough energy to specific areas of the skin to produce excellent results with minimal risk of side effects.

HALO® Laser Benefits

HALO® is like other laser technologies in that it uses specific wavelengths of light to heat the skin to trigger cell renewal and collagen production. However, it also comes with benefits not seen with older technologies:

Quick treatment

A typical HALO® treatment takes 30 to 45 minutes compared to two hours when using more traditional lasers.

Minimal downtime

Most of our clients need three to five days of downtime, while older laser treatments require at least two weeks before patients can return to normal.

Quick results

You can expect to see initial results within a week, with continuous improvement over weeks to months as your skin gradually renews.

Dramatic improvement

HALO® can resurface 25 to 30 percent of the skin to offer dramatic improvement. That’s significantly more than the five to 10 percent skin resurfacing offered by other gentle lasers.

Few treatments

Most of our clients achieve their goals with only one to two HALO® treatments compared to the four to five sessions required with other lasers.

What HALO® Can Treat

Being gentle yet effective, HALO® can treat numerous age-related skin concerns in nearly all areas of the body. Problems we frequently correct with HALO® at our Lakeway medspa include:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Dark spots and hyperpigmentation
  • Pigmented lesions
  • Enlarged pores
  • Acne and other scars

Treatment areas include the face, neck, chest, arms, hands and legs. In other words, practically any area of the body can be treated with this cutting-edge technology.

Why Choose HALO®?

With countless laser and other photorejuvenation treatments to choose from, you may be wondering why chose HALO® specifically.

Many of our clients come to us with multiple skin concerns, but they don’t have the time or means to spend on multiple treatment sessions with long recovery times. That’s when we recommend HALO® as a relatively affordable, quick and effective solution.

This all-in-one treatment will give you excellent results with the least downtime. And because you may need only one to two sessions, your total investment may be less than with other treatments.

But even if you’re focused on one specific skin concern, this treatment can be fine-tuned to address that problem in one session. As a bonus, you won’t have to give up your usual activities.

Request Your HALO® Consultation

At our spa-like setting in Lakeway, TX, we want to find the best solution for your unique aesthetic concerns. That starts with an initial consultation with one of our providers, who will discuss in detail what you can expect from your treatment and offer alternatives when they could benefit you.

If you think that HALO® is the perfect treatment for you, schedule your consultation with Wink Medical Aesthetics today!


What happens during a HALO® treatment?

We will first apply a numbing cream an hour before treatment and will ask you to put on protective eyewear. While you’re in a comfortable position, your provider will glide the HALO® handpiece over your skin. You may feel mild heat and pinching, and the treatment will be over in about 30 to 45 minutes.

When will I see the results from HALO®?

You will notice the initial results within a week. Your skin will continue to improve gradually over weeks to months as your skin heals.

How long will my results last?

You may enjoy your HALO® results for years with proper measures. You should take good care of your skin to maintain your results for as long as possible, including regular exfoliation and being diligent with moisturizing and sunscreen.

How many treatments will I need?

Most patients need one to two treatments to achieve their goals. To maintain your results indefinitely, you may also need to come for yearly touch-ups.

Is HALO® good for dark skin?

Generally speaking, yes. However, clients with type IV to VI skin on the Fitzpatrick scale may need to follow special pretreatment instructions so we can lower the risk of uneven pigmentation and scarring.

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