5 Signs You Are A Good Candidate for CoolSculpting

If you’ve heard about CoolSculpting — a nonsurgical alternative to liposuction — you’re likely wondering if this treatment is right for you.

Nonsurgical procedures like CoolSculpting have been steadily growing in popularity, and are now among the most popular procedures in the world (according to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery). These treatments create a look similar to what you could achieve with surgery but with reduced treatment and recovery times. CoolSculpting offers exactly that: convenient nonsurgical fat reduction with no incisions, anesthesia or downtime required.

But although CoolSculpting may seem like a dream come true if you’re looking for a less invasive liposuction alternative, this treatment is not for everyone. Here’s more on what exactly CoolSculpting is and signs you may be a good candidate for this breakthrough procedure.

About CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting is a cosmetic treatment that utilizes cryolipolysis, also known as fat freezing, to remove stubborn areas of fat. The treatment has been FDA-cleared for the removal of unwanted fat bulges in nine different areas:

  • Under the jawline
  • Under the chin
  • The upper arms
  • Back fat
  • Bra fat
  • Flanks
  • Abdomen
  • Banana roll (under the buttocks)
  • Thigh area

CoolSculpting works by gently freezing fat cells beneath the skin with the help of different-sized applicators and cooling technology. The device uses suction to draw the targeted tissue into the applicator while emitting cold temperatures for approximately one hour. The frozen fat cells die and are eliminated by the body’s lymphatic system over several weeks. Because fat cells are more sensitive to cold than other cells, nearby tissues aren’t affected by this treatment.

Most patients need at least two to three sessions to achieve their goals. Studies on CoolSculpting show that this treatment can reduce fat in the treatment site by up to 25% after a single session. This remarkable efficiency, along with its noninvasive nature, makes CoolSculpting one of the most popular nonsurgical fat reduction treatments worldwide.

So what makes you a good candidate for CoolSculpting? And what factors suggest that you might be a better candidate for something else?

5 Signs You’re a CoolSculpting Candidate

When deciding whether you are an ideal candidate for CoolSculpting, we look at your medical history and perform a physical examination. We also discuss your expectations and what this treatment entails. All this helps us determine whether this treatment is right for you.

In general, the five signs below are indicators that CoolSculpting could work for you:

1) You have stubborn areas of fat

If you have small areas of body fat that won’t budge no matter how much you diet or exercise, then this treatment might be for you.

Body sculpting treatments are designed to help shape and contour the body by removing a small amount of fat in targeted areas. They are not meant for overall weight loss. Think of these procedures as icing on the cake, where you need just a little bit of help to achieve that shape you’ve been working hard for.

With that said, CoolSculpting is definitely not a replacement for diet and exercise. A healthy lifestyle is not only the best way to achieve your ideal body weight, but it is also essential for having a long, healthy life.

2) You’re close to your target weight

CoolSculpting is not intended for people with obesity (with a BMI 30 or higher). While cryolipolysis does work to some extent on these patients, the results are more often than not disappointing, and these patients need more treatment sessions than is financially sensible to see good improvement.

There is one exception to this rule, and that is anyone looking to sculpt their chin and neck area. Getting CoolSculpting in this treatment area can give you a noticeably more sculpted and defined jawline and neck even if your BMI is above 30. We may also perform CoolSculpting on you if you have realistic expectations and want to use this procedure as a motivator to jumpstart your weight loss.

3) You are in relatively good health

Most people can have CoolSculpting treatments because this is a nonsurgical procedure with fewer risks than surgery.

However, CoolSculpting should never be performed on patients who suffer from cryoglobulinemia, cold urticaria and paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria. This treatment should also not be performed if the area being treated is affected by poor circulation, hernia, injury, infection, etc. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should postpone CoolSculpting for at least three to six months after they stop breastfeeding.

You will want to talk to your provider about your medical history so they can assess your risks before your treatment. While CoolSculpting is generally safe, it can lead to adverse outcomes for the wrong candidate, especially in someone with a chronic medical condition.

4) The fat you want to remove is “pinchable”

There are two main types of body fat: subcutaneous and visceral. CoolSculpting targets subcutaneous fat, which is squishable fat just beneath the skin. Visceral fat is deeper within your body and surrounds your organs.

Some patients complaining of belly fat have visceral fat that CoolSculpting won’t be able to address. Or they don’t have enough fat for the CoolSculpting applicators to suction effectively, making treatment difficult or impossible. In both cases, this treatment is not a suitable option.

5) You can’t have or don’t want surgery

Of course, the most significant benefit of CoolSculpting is its nonsurgical approach to body contouring. While surgery like liposuction remains the mainstay of body sculpting due to its high efficiency and ability to contour large areas of the body, it has its risks and setbacks. CoolSculpting is less risky and requires little preparation and downtime.

If you have medical conditions that prevent you from having surgical procedures or you prefer a less invasive approach, CoolSculpting may be a great alternative. CoolSculpting may also be a better option for banana rolls, knee fat and back/bra fat, as these areas are associated with contour irregularities when treated with liposuction.

Want to Learn More About CoolSculpting?

While CoolSculpting is a wonderful procedure, it’s not for everyone. To find out if you are a good candidate for this noninvasive treatment, it’s best to speak to one of our providers at Wink Medical Aesthetics. For more information, call 512-263-2400 and schedule your CoolSculpting consultation today.

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